Heritage Classic

Heritage Classic

In Brief

The refined gloss-black finishes, modern edge and reinvigorated ride of the Heritage Classic takes nostalgia ripping into a new place. It starts with the performance of the Milwaukee-Eight® 107 or 114 engine and the re-invented Softail® frame and suspension. On top of that, it holds a look that drips with gangster-era style.


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全長 2,415 mm
シート高 680 mm
フュエルタンク容量(L) 18.9 l
車両重量 316 kg


エンジン型式 Milwaukee-Eight® 107
排気量 1,745 cc
最大トルク(Nm) 145 Nm
送信 6-Speed Cruise Drive®


ホイール Gloss Black Steel Laced
フロントタイヤ 130/90B16,53H,BW
リアタイヤ 150/80B16,77H,BW