Road King®

Road King®

In Brief

The Hiawatha headlamp and nacelle were born in the ‘60s, but the power of the Milwaukee-Eight® 107 engine on the Road King® brings it all into right now, fast. The Showa® dual-bending valve front suspension and rear emulsion shocks put riders in control for a plush ride. And riders get cast Impeller wheels and one-touch bags. It’s a modern classic.


  Download Model Overview


全長 2,450 mm
シート高 705 mm
フュエルタンク容量(L) 22.7 l
車両重量 362 kg


エンジン型式 Milwaukee-Eight™ 107
排気量 1,745 cc
最大トルク(Nm) 150 Nm
送信 6-Speed Cruise Drive®


ホイール Impeller Cast Aluminum
フロントタイヤ BW 130/80B17 65H
リアタイヤ BW 180/65B16 81H


カラーオプション Vivid Black
Twisted Cherry
Electric Blue / Silver Fortune
Silver Fortune / Sumatra Brown
Olive Gold / Black Tempest
HC Shattered Flake